Interest Groups
Interest Group Renewals and New Applications are now CLOSED for the 2024-2025 school year.
Interest Group Funding Allocation has changed for the 2024-2025 school year. NOSMUSC is implementing a new pilot project to improve the use of funds. The project is outlined here and for additional information please contact​
Please see the application here to apply for Interest Group Funding.
The NOSMUSC sponsors a variety of clubs and interest groups so our learners can explore different medical specialties and special topics in healthcare. Information on the current NOSMUSC-approved student groups are listed below.
There are 2 primary ways you can be involved in an interest group:
General Member: Members attend events organized by the interest group.
Executive Member: If you are interested in taking on more a leadership role for a specific interest group, please email the contact for that specific interest group.
Note that to participate either as an executive or general member requires that your fees for NOSMUSC be paid. For information regarding student fee payments please visit our Student Council Fees section.​
Click HERE to access the room booking request form.
Click HERE for information on overarching interest group goals (such as increasing event attendance, efficient spending, email fatigue and considerations for EDI), room booking, reimbursement requests, external funding attestations forms and requesting additional NOSMUSC funds.
Addiction Medicine
Amanda Fluke & Kyle Vader
Altitude Healthcare Mentoring Program
Taylor Marshall & Kaitlyn Lyrette
Anatomy Teaching Group
Brieanne Olibris
Anesthesia and Perioperative Medicine Interest Group
Mackenna Mackie & Tyler Pretty
Choosing Wisely Interest Group
Nathan Jeffery & Vanessa Toupin
Compass North Student-Led Health Outreach
Critical Care Interest Group
Samuel Hebert & Ashley Perrault
Dermatology Interest Group
Heather Lex
Emergency Medicine Interest Group
Chloe Smith & Dani Mann
Family Medicine Interest Group
Claire Poulin & Felix Lavigne
Francophone Health – Groupe d’intérêt sur la santé des francophone
Gabrielle McDonald & Janik Dufour
Geriatric Interest Group
Nathan Jeffery
Internal Medicine Interest Group/ACP Council of Student Members
Joanna Murtha & Hannah Shortreed
Mental Health Interest Group
Brooklyn Ranta
Neurology Interest Group
Jenna Robert & Thomas Edwards
NOSM x AWS (Association of Women Surgeons)
Camille Riopelle & Emily Pynn
NOSM Friends of MSF
Kara Passi & John Lapp
NOSM West Run Club
Taylor Marshall & Madyson Campbell
Oncology Interest Group
Hailey O'Grady
Ophthalmology Interest Group
Nicole Costanzo & Alex Kos
Orthopaedic Surgery Interest Group
Kathryn Culliton & Brandon Grandinetti
Otolaryngology Interest Group
Julie Leroux & Melissa Yeo
Palliative Care Interest Group
Simone Smith & Tess Dufour
Pathology Interest Group
Melissa Yeo
Pediatrics Interest Group
Jenna Schlorff & Laurel Schmanda
Physiatry and Sports Medicine Society
Angus Foster & Taylor Marshall
Point of Care Ultrasound Interest Group
Mackenzie Senior
Public Health & Preventive Medicine
Pascale Doucet
Queer in Medicine Interest Group (QiMIG)
Cynthia Larche
Racial Equity in Medicine
Lobna Abdel-Dayem
Radiology Interest Group
Konnor Kennedy & Dylan Siltamaki
Reach Accès Zhibbi (RAZ)
Jenna Robert
Rural Emergency Medicine Interest Group
Brandon Grandinetti & Emma-Liisa Makinen
Rural Medicine Interest Group
Claire Poulin
Simulation Interest Group
Mackenzie Senior & Brody Laberge
Surgical Interest Group
Cory Tremblay & Emma-Liisa Makinen
The CliNickel
Felix Tubin
Wilderness and Outdoor Recreation Medical Society (WORMS)
Liam Nicol
Women and Children's Health Interest Group
Claire Walsh & Hannah Roberts
Women in Emergency Medicine Interest Group
Emma-Liisa Makinen & Meagan McGaughey